Sober Transport Companions |
Transporting the client to treatment After admitting drug or alcohol addiction or asking for help, getting a client to a treatment facility is a crucial moment in recovery. Going through security, dealing with crowds, and getting on an airplane is often a daunting task for the client. Having an experienced Sober Companion from Sober Advisor there to offer support and assistance helps the client navigate the journey to treatment.
Transporting the client from treatment to home After spending 30, 60, or 90 days in a treatment facility, the client can be in shock meeting the outside world. A Sober Companion from Sober Advisor can be there to help transport, support and guide the client safely through the airport and home.
Transporting the client from treatment to treatment Some primary treatment centers recommend additional treatment at extended care facilities or sober living homes. An experienced Sober Companion from Sober Advisor can help navigate the client from the treatment facility, thru the airport, and on to the next treatment center for a positive sober travel experience.